Online Dictionary of Intercultural Philosophy (ODIP): un dizionario online di filosofia interculturale


Online Dictionary of Intercultural Philosophy (ODIP) è il dizionario online di filosofia interculturale che presenta concetti-chiave di culture non occidentali. Il progetto si avvale della collaborazione della “Latin American Association of Intercultural Philosophy”.

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“While many Western concepts that have entered non-Western discourses are well known (Edward Said referred to some of them as “traveling concepts”), a repertory of non-Western concepts that have already made an impact or have the potential to enter the mainstream theoretical machine has never been established. On the other hand, certain parts of comparative and intercultural philosophy show that an intrusion from South/East to North/West has already taken place and that some regional concepts are beginning to fulfill a purpose in a world-philosophical context. ODIP attempts to document those developments by offering brief and understandable definitions of non-Western philosophical terms. It thus aims to promote a shift from Comparative Philosophy to World Philosophy enabling a genuine plurality of knowing, doing, and being human.”

É attiva una Call per le voci nuove e una sitografia sull’argomento.

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Archiviato in Dizionari, Filosofia interculturale, Uncategorized

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