eBook di filosofia: M. Kronfeldner (edited by), The Routledge Handbook of Dehumanization


Maria Kronfeldner (edited by), The Routledge Handbook of Dehumanization

The Routledge Handbook of Dehumanization is the first comprehensive and multidisciplinary reference source on the subject and an outstanding survey of the key concepts, issues, and debates within dehumanization studies. Organized into four parts, the Handbook covers the following topics:

  • The history of dehumanization from Greek Antiquity to the 20th century, contextualizing the oscillating boundaries, dimensions, and hierarchies of humanity in the history of the ‘West’;
  • How dehumanization is contemporarily studied with respect to special contexts: as part of social psychology, as part of legal studies or literary studies, and how it connects to the idea of human rights, disability and eugenics, the question of animals, and the issue of moral standing;
  • How to tackle its complex facets, with respect to the perpetrator’s and the target’s perspective, metadehumanization and selfdehumanization, rehumanization, social death, status and interdependence, as well as the fear we show toward robots that become too human for us;
  • Conceptual and epistemological questions on how to distinguish different forms of dehumanization and neighboring phenomena, on why dehumanization appears so paradoxical, and on its connection to hatred, essentialism, and perception.”

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Archiviato in eBook di Filosofia, Filosofia politica

Philosophy of the City Journal: una rivista online dedicata alla città


Philosophy of the City Journal è la giovane rivista open access, free online che pubblica articoli e saggi che prendono in considerazione la citta come oggetto di studio filosofico indagandone la dimensione politica, sociale, epistemologica, etica e ambientale.

La rivista è un progetto del Philosophy of the City Research Group dell’Università di Groningen.

As the world continues to urbanise, cities increasingly function as loci for the social, political, and ecological challenges of the 21st century. There is a need to apply the tools and approaches of philosophical enquiry to both the city in general and different cities in particular. The philosophy of the city should be understood as a set of problems without a canon: problems about (but by no means restricted to) the ontology of cities, urban aesthetics, inclusivity, public space, justice, and political expression. In seeking to help answer these problems, philosophers of the city contribute analyses of urbanism, city life, urban planning, urban design, infrastructures, and others…”

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Archiviato in Filosofia ambientale, Filosofia morale, Filosofia politica, Periodici

The Journal for the Philosophy of Language, Mind and the Arts (JoLMA): una rivista online di filosofia del linguaggio, filosofia della mente e estetica


The Journal for the Philosophy of Language, Mind and the Arts (JoLMA) è la rivita open access pubblicata dal gruppo di ricerca del Centro CLAVes dell’Università degli Studi “Ca’ Foscari” di Venezia.
La rivista pubblica articoli e saggi che attingono a diversi ambiti filosofici (filosofia del linguaggio, filosofia della mente, estetica e filosofia dell’arte).

“The Journal is intended to offer a chance to develop a thorough and interdisciplinary research (in terms of both interrelations and exchanges within the international scientific community. Furthermore, the Journal is set to provide the opportunity to discuss several theoretical issues, which lie at the core of contemporary philosophical and scientific debate. No particular school or theoretical orientation as well as attitude is excluded a priori. Indeed, contributors are asked to hold an open perspective without any dogmatism, as well as due rigour of argumentation and thematic choices, in order to abide by the richness and variety of theoretical approaches and visions.”

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Archiviato in Estetica, Filosofia del linguaggio, Filosofia della mente, Periodici

eBook di filosofia: C. Ferrini, Alle origini del concetto di razza. Kant e la diversità umana nell’unità di specie


Cinzia Ferrini, Alle origini del concetto di razza. Kant e la diversità umana nell’unità di specie

“Questo studio esamina, fin dalle sue origini, il progetto kantiano di identificare, comprendere e ordinare la diversità fisica dell’unica specie del genere umano, ricostruendone il contesto nel continuo dialogo e confronto con naturalisti e filosofi, nonché esploratori e geografi del tempo. Intende offrire strumenti critici storico-filosofici e materiali utili per un riesame complessivo del pensiero di Kant sui criteri per definire una stabile classificazione naturale della differenza umana in razze. I risultati della ricerca permettono di orientarsi nel dibattito interdisciplinare contemporaneo, affrontando gli aspetti più controversi e oggi maggiormente contestati della teoria kantiana.”

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Archiviato in eBook di Filosofia, Filosofia politica

eBook di filosofia: R. Perni, Pubblicità, educazione e diritto in Kant


Romina Perni, Pubblicità, educazione e diritto in Kant

“The starting point is the conviction that publicity is central to Kantian political thought as part of the wider relationship between politics and morality. In this sense the book aims to outline subjective and objective limits of the public control of power, which must be structurally guaranteed from a juridical point of view and that citizens/subjects have to put into practice. But from a Kantian point of view publicity is also linked to education and to the public use of reason, that individuals must have the courage to realize. The individual dimension and the collective/institutional one are tightly linked to answer the question: according to Kant, is it possible an education to publicity?”

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Archiviato in eBook di Filosofia, Filosofia moderna, Filosofia politica

eBook di filosofia: J. Toivanen, Medieval Commentators on Simultaneous Perception


Juhana Toivanen, Medieval Commentators on Simultaneous Perception. An Edition of Commentaries on Aristotle’s De sensu et sensato 7

“Medieval commentaries on Aristotle’s Parva naturalia have long been the margins of scholarly attention. The main reason for this is familiar to everyone working on medieval philosophy: the sheer lask of critical editions remains the main obstacle to a wider appreciation and analysis of philosophical ideas presented in these works. […] The present edition aims to improve the situation by proving access to hitherto unedited commentaries, which deal with a particular philosophical problem that Aristotle raises in chapter seven of his De sensu.


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Archiviato in eBook di Filosofia, Filosofia medievale

Intrasformazione. Rivista di storia delle idee: una rivista online di filosofia politica


Intrasformazione. Rivista di storia delle idee è la rivista online di filosofia politica edita dall’Università di Palermo.

“Il comitato scientifico della rivista attualmente formato da Piero Violante (Storia delle idee politiche, Palermo), Alfio Mastropaolo ( Scienza politica,Torino), Dario Castiglione (Filosofia politica, Exeter,UK) ritiene che l’accelerata e drammatica “Grande Trasformazione” che ha investito il globo intero debba richiamare in un grande sforzo multidisciplinare filosofi, politologi, sociologi, intellettuali “ pubblici”, artisti ad una rielaborazione di parole-chiave che hanno caratterizzato la storia europea, ma non solo europea, a partire dalla seconda metà del Settecento. Il paradosso dal quale la rivista prende le mosse è che il perdurare nel tempo del loro uso non garantisce affatto l’invarianza del significato delle parole-chiave: democrazia, sovranità, razza, diritti, popolo, rappresentanza, ecc. Non solo ma il trauma dell’11 settembre, rinfrescato dalla barbarie solitaria di Oslo, non dà alibi al silenzio intellettuale. E’ necessario oggi più che mai ri-prendere la parola, ri-articolarla per controbattere l’idea sempre più pericolosamente diffusa che il declino della democrazia o della rappresentanza, dell’eguaglianza, o della fratellanza sia oggettivamente ineluttabile e in linea con lo spirito del tempo”

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Archiviato in Filosofia politica, Periodici

Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics: una rivista online di etica e politica ambientale


Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics è la rivista online che pubblica articoli e saggi di etica e politica ambientale. La rivista è stata fondata dal Prof. Otto Kinne e dal Prof. Gennady Polikarpov e originariamente era concepita come un forum di discussione dell’Ecoethics International Union (EEIU).

In particolare, queste le tematiche sviluppate nella rivista:

  • the ethical questions arising in the relationships among sciences, environmental issues, law, political sciences and policy (e.g. issues of life sciences, biotechnology, medicine, politics, law and philosophy, ethics in science and technology, bioethics, medical ethics, ecoethics, development ethics, information ethics, social and economic ethics)
  • ethical issues related to academia and research (e.g., peer-review and other scientific evaluations at different levels, publishing behavior and fraud, academic freedom and tenure, gender inequities)
  • ethical and cultural considerations and implications in science and environmental politics
  • monitoring and weighing of interactions between environment and human activities
  • possibilities of different styles of human behavior in relation to environmental issues and ethics
  • political and economical developments and their implementation in relation to ethics in science and environmental politics
  • promoting environmental awareness and human responsibilities
  • presentation and discussion of related philosophical concepts and perspectives
  • discussion of cultural implications concerning scientific methods and discourse
  • environmental and science politics and consequences for political decision making.”

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Archiviato in Filosofia ambientale, Filosofia politica, Periodici

eBook di filosofia: F. Molinari, L’inconscio disincantato. Il giovane Adorno tra filosofia della vita e psicoanalisi


Fabio Molinari, L’inconscio disincantato. Il giovane Adorno tra filosofia della vita e psicoanalisi

Tesi di dottorato discussa presso l’Università degli Studi di Urbino, a.a. 2019/2020

“This work brings to light a long-forgotten piece of writing by Adorno, his so-called ‘first’ habilitation thesis. By reconstructing the philosophy of his teacher Hans Cornelius, the historical and cultural context of the thesis and its polemical target, an attempt has been made to reconstruct and analyse Adorno’s innovative interpretation of the concept of the unconscious. Finally, the results of the thesis are brought into dialogue with the philosophical history of the concept of the unconscious, with the principles of Freudian psychoanalysis and with the mature development of the author’s philosophy.”

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Archiviato in eBook di Filosofia, Filosofia contemporanea, Psicanalisi, Tesi

eBook: Maria Elena D’Amelio, Luca Gorgolini ( a cura di), Media and Gender. History, Representation, Reception


Maria Elena D’Amelio, Luca Gorgolini ( a cura di), Media and Gender. History, Representation, Reception

“This book presents the papers discussed at the International Conference Media and Gender: History, Representation, Reception held in San Marino on May 10 and 11, 2022. Two days during which researchers and scholars from European, American, and Asian
universities and from different areas of expertise discussed some central aspects of the complex and ever-changing relationship that exists between media and gender, from an interdisciplinary and transnational perspective. In particular, the published essays investigate how changes in gender roles influence and shape the production of media content; the role played by media in the construction of dominant social narratives and in the definition of sociological theories of gender; and the impact that interrelations between media and gender have in shaping new forms of subjectivity, agency, and identities. “

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Archiviato in eBook di Filosofia, Estetica, Filosofia contemporanea